# this is the text which will end up within readme.pdf, when processed
# by readme.php.
# the syntax being used is fairly obvious:
# a line starting with '#' is a comment or a directive
# 1
is a first level heading (text is 'title')
# 2 is a second level heading (text is 'heading')
# the table of contents is automatically generated from the titles and headings.
# "#NP" starts a new page
# "#C" starts a code section (put this on a line by itself
# "#c" end the code section
# "#X" and "#x" surround a block which will be executed as php code.
# can be used within the text with gleeful abandon
# a link can be added within the text using label
This class is designed to provide a non-module, non-commercial alternative to dynamically creating pdf documents from within PHP. Obviously this will not be quite as quick as the module alternatives, but it is surprisingly fast, this demonstration page is almost a worst case due to the large number of fonts which are displayed. There are a number of features which can be within a Pdf document that it is not at the moment possible to use with this class, but I feel that it is useful enough to be released.
This document describes the possible useful calls to the class, the readme.php file (which will create this pdf) should be sufficient as an introduction.
Note that this document was generated using the demo script 'readme.php' which came with this package.
- applied patch "updated extension CezTableImage" from Code Snippets forum - thanks Sigurd Nes
- fixed reported bug #77 ezText html bold tag problem
- fixed reported bug #76 Invalid creation date
- fixed property $stack to be protected as a private property cause strange behaviours in PHP 5.1 and 5.2
- fixed PHP Notice "Undefined offset: -1" for unknown glyphs in TTFsubset.php
- fixed ezTableDrawLines in CezTableImage.php extension
- improved performance in openFont
- use max 255 chars for font type TrueType if unicode is disabled
- fixed encoding conversation when using core fonts.
NOTE: Some private properties have been changed in Cpdf.php
NOTE: selectFont does not return $this->currentFontNum anymore
- some slightly changes to Cpdf
- added $pdf->getCurrentFont([$withStyle = false]) to get the font name currently in use
- updated SVN version to 1.8
NOTE: A new option 'gridlines' in ezTable is available to allow additional line modes
NOTE: A new option 'alignHeadings' in ezTable is available to align the complete header row
NOTE: The option 'showLines' is DEPRECATED in ezTable option
- applied path #20 ezTable advanced grid lines (see examples/tables.php)
- fixed bug #75 Alignment fixes for tables and images
- applied patch #19 Table heading alignment
- fixed an old bug related to vertical lines in ezTable when page break occurs
- fixed bug #74 font subsetting ignored when no character is set | thank you Johannes
- applied ezTable changes to extension class CezTableImage.php
- added new example tables.php
NOTE: callback function and ezText option 'justification'=>'full' can cause bad results
NOTE: More info, see bug report #67 on https://sourceforge.net/p/pdf-php/bugs/67/
- applied patch #9 ezTable: permit coloured background for headings - See example on page 14
- applied patch #11 coloured text as callback by using <c:color:r,g,b>color text</c:color>
- optimized widths entry (/W [...]) for unicode font output
- fixed openFont function which caused an abnormal exit or blank browser page
- corrected ezTable 'showLine' option to display head line properly
- some other slightly changes
NOTE: Due to the fontPath change it is recommend to only use the font name in $pdf->selectFont().
NOTE: Define the font location by using $pdf->fontPath = '/dir/to/your/fonts'
- added "fontPath" property to define font folders outside the project root
- fixed AAR search by setting unique fileIdentifiers
- fixed bug #72 - directives cause wrong line alignment
- fixed bug #71 - wrong fileIdentfier cause Adobe Reader to invalidate search
- corrected table border on page break
- fixed bug when table page breaks (changed some private declarations into protected)
- font cache fixed by disabling subsets for non-unicode fonts (need improvement)
- NEW PROPERTY cacheTimeout to allow setting the cache lifetime (default: 1 day)
- indexed PNG fixed (but without alpha channel)
- background color check simplified in Cezpdf.php which causes sporadic errors on line 219
- custom callback for underlined (c:uline) is set to allowedTags by default
- some fixes with text directives (E.g. <b>[new line]text[new line]text</b>)
- corrected getTextWidth by removing all directives set in $pdf->allowedTags
- removed unused Begin Text - objects (BT ... ET) by checking empty text in addText method
- fixed bug #66 Bug in specifying font size
- bug fixed: font style now ends up properly after line break has forced
- optimized pdf output for link annotation (actions are now set inline)
- fixed sprintf locale output for rectangle in o_annotation
- NEW FEATURE: new annotation called comments - demo in examples/annotations.php
- applied patch no# 13 - 16
- bug fixed for missing ET tags (caused pdf viewer to resave the file when closing)
- fixed bug with wrong calculation of the char "0" (zero) in $pdf->uniord($c)
- code optimization
- additional bug fixes for directive (especially for UTF-8 text)
- slightly performance improvements
- addTextWrap function is no more, use addText instead
- added FreeSerif font from http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/freefont/
- use UTF-8 text input in addText and addTextWrap by default
- fixed issue with directives when using unicode (underline, bold, ...)
- fixed bug: wrong width is used when document is set to unicodee
- optimized and simplified the methods for custom callbacks (checkTextDirective is no more)
- improved performance (readme.php is 30% faster)
- new property allowedTags, which is important when using custom callbacks (see barcode.php, CezTableImage.php or CezDummy.php)
- font subsetting completed
- No ttf2afm or ttf2ufm is required - Thank goes to Thanos Efraimidis (4real.gr) for TTF.php and TTFsubset.php
click here for version 0.11.8
click here for PHP4 compatibility version 0.11-7c